Marion Carlson

Marion Carlson has a Bachelor’s and a MA degree in Elementary Ed with emphasis in early childhood. She retired with 38 years in teaching and 10 years supervising elementary student teachers for UMD, mainly supervising student teachers, pre-school, and K-6. Marion is a long-term member of Phi Kappa Delta and was named in “Who’s Who in American Education” in 1987.

Ms. Carlson has 4 children, 6 grandchildren, and 4 special great grandchildren plus some of their spouses. She feels very blessed!

My illustrator Loren Chantland for my two books is a known artist in the Minnesota Twin Cities area.

Marion spent her childhood in Minnesota making up stories inside her head. She has spent her adult years doing the same thing, only now she writes her stories down on paper. Marion had written also the other children’s books: Wheel-y Things, The Lucky Orphan Calf, Do Dogs Count?, and “Run Duck Hide” The Martians are Coming?